Preventing Slip and Fall Accidents This National Safety Month
The National Safety Council (NSC) annually celebrates the National Safety Month every month of June. The National Safety Month is an opportunity for various organizations and groups to get involved and participate in NSC’s endeavors of pursuing safety in all aspects of people’s daily lives. The NSC’s main focus is on educating and influencing behaviors that surround the causes of preventable injuries and deaths.

This month’s celebration is focused on four weekly themes that bring attention to crucial safety issues. The weekly themes are:

·         Week 1: Employee wellness

·         Week 2: Ergonomics

·         Week 3: Preventing slips, trips, and falls

·         Week 4: Driving safety

Today is Week 3 (June 17-23), and the focus is now shifted on slips, trips and falls prevention.

Preventing slips, trips, and falls

Falls are considered the leading type of unintentional injury in the United States. Every year, slip, trip, and fall injuries account for more than 8.7 million emergency room visits. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in every three adults aged 65 and older experience falls each year.

Many people perceive slips, trips, and falls as a result of clumsiness or inattention; however, it is important that they should be made to realize that such accidents also involve certain risk factors. These risk factors include:

·         The environment, particularly physical hazards

·         Issues related to age

·         Health conditions

Most falls, however, can be prevented. Eliminating fall hazards inside or outside the workplace or at home would help in curbing the possibility of injuries. One way is to keep the floors and stairs clean and free from impediments such as scattered objects. Another is wearing proper footwear to help keep the feet firm on the ground while walking.

An expert Los Angeles slip and fall lawyer always remind people to be aware of the dangers of slipping and falling, not only this National Safety Month, but all year round.

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